


趙尚憲見李麟和桃夏從面前經過,他一把拉住李麟,李麟好奇地看著他,不知道發生了什麼事。趙尚憲鬆開手,表示這是個誤會,讓李麟和桃夏離開。這樣的相遇讓趙尚憲有些意外,隱隱地覺得心口有些疼痛,趙尚憲這些異常的舉動都被姜武錫看在眼裡。   當年王血洗皇宮,趙尚憲帶著巡夜人阻止王的行動,他的兄弟們都犧牲了,當時,他在那場宮亂中也幾乎喪命,幸好有人救了僅剩一口氣的他。從那時起,他再也不能接觸和鬼怪有關的事情,否則他會魂飛魄散。   師譚告訴王夜晚的時候必須打開城門,那些冤靈藉著這個機會湧入王城。一時間,王城內紛爭四起,被冤靈控制的人們互相殘殺。人們對這個異象表示不解,朝堂上的眾大臣和王也都憂心忡忡。   桃夏他們能看見城中冤靈遍地,李麟希望姜武錫去說服大王,不要再聽信師譚所言。然而,姜武錫堅持這個世界上沒有鬼怪,不願聽從李麟和桃夏的建議。   此前20年,李麟一直在逃避中生活,不敢面對,不願改變,然而如今他卻下定決心希望能夠做些什麼,他找到姜武錫,請求姜武錫幫助自己。   樸守忠知道那晚王在太妃娘娘的寢殿門口殺害了一個宮女,他在朝堂之上要求王摒退左右,拿這件事威脅王,希望王能聽從他的安排,王不承認這件 ​​事。樸守忠暗示王自己會去請示太妃娘娘,王驚慌失措之下找到太妃娘娘,向她懺悔請求她的原諒。樸守忠帶著人在門口,聽見了王和太妃娘娘的對話。樸守忠計謀得逞,要求王將李麟詛咒王的事情一筆勾銷。   李麟的存在一直是王的心腹大患,他一再地問李麟是否能看見鬼怪。為了避免引起不必要的紛爭,讓王擔心自己會威脅到他,李麟告訴王自己看不到鬼怪。   在進城的諸多冤靈中,李麟看了父王的身影,知道這並不是他的幻覺。他跟隨著父王的魂魄來到山上,卻意外看見在此祭拜兄弟的趙尚憲。當年的那場宮亂,無辜的死難者,趙尚憲懇求那些巡夜人不要再覺得冤屈而不甘心,希望他們去陰間重新開始他們的生活。




The watchman log episode 11 plot is introduced See Zhao Shangxian Li Lin and peach in summer pass before, he is a pull Li Lin, Li Lin looked at him curiously, dont know what had happened. Zhao Shangxian loosen the hand, said it was a misunderstanding, let Li Lin and leave in the summer of peach. Such meeting let Zhao Shangxian some accidental, vaguely felt his heart some pain, Zhao Shangxian move these anomalies are Jiang Wuxi see in the eye. The king to annihilate Zhao Shangxian royal palace, with a watchman to stop the kings action, sacrificed his brothers, at the time, he almost died in the palace disorderly, luckily he was saved is only a breath. Since then, he can no longer contact about ghosts, otherwise he will past. Teacher tan told the king you must open the gates in the night, those who cause spirit through this opportunity into the city. At that time, king strife in the city, under the control of a remake people killing each other. People to this vision said dont understand, the class of the minister and the king are worried. Peach summer they can see a remake the land in the city, Li Lin Jiang Wuxi hope to persuade king, dont listen to the teacher tan said. Jiang Wuxi insist no ghosts in this world, however, are reluctant to follow Li Lin and advice in the summer of peach. After 20 years, has been in the escape Li Lin life, did not dare to face, dont want to change, but now he is determined to want to be able to do something, he found Jiang Wuxi, request Jiang Wuxi help themselves. PiaoShouZhong know that night at the door of the bedroom house of toffee empress wang killed a palace maid, around him at the kings hall above requirements king holds back , take it threat to the king, hope to listen to his arrangement, king king dont admit it. PiaoShouZhong suggested Wang Ziji will go to check with toffee, panic under king find toffee empress, confessed to her begged for her forgiveness. PiaoShouZhong with man at the door, heard the king and toffee empress dialogue. The king will PiaoShouZhong counsel, requirements Li Lin king cursed thing off. Li Lin there has been the kings a menace, he repeatedly asked whether Li Lin can see ghosts. In order to avoid cause unnecessary disputes, worried that they will be threaten him, that the Li Lin tell Wang Ziji see ghosts. In a lot of discretion in the spirit into the city, Li Lin saw a father figure, know that it is not his illusion. He followed the soul of the father go to the mountain, but accidentally saw the worship Zhao Shangxian brothers. In those days the house mess, innocent victims, Zhao Shangxian begged the watchman dont feel injustice and unwilling, hope they go to the grave to start their lives.



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